ID Cohorts Research group

at Uni­ver­sity Hos­pit­al of Cologne and Goethe Uni­ver­sity Frankfurt

Jörg-Janne Vehreschild

Jörg Janne Vehreschild

prin­cip­al investigator

Janne has engin­eered and sup­por­ted more than 150 cohorts, regis­tries and sur­veys on vari­ous infec­tions while teach­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of Cologne and being involved as a spe­cial­ist in hem­at­o­logy, onco­logy, and infec­tious dis­eases at the Uni­ver­sity Hos­pit­al Frankfurt.


Susana Nunes de Miranda

pro­ject lead coordinator

Susana, a clin­ic­al data man­ager, sup­ports the LEOSS ana­lys­is team and is look­ing for­ward to con­trib­ut­ing more to this unique pro­ject. She has an eye for data dis­crep­an­cies and focuses on high data quality.

Carolin Jakob

Carolin Koll

pro­ject lead data

Car­olin is a data sci­ent­ist for pro­cessing med­ic­al data, in charge of coordin­a­tion and devel­op­ment of data man­age­ment and ana­lys­is pro­cesses in LEOSS. She is pas­sion­ate about the pro­cess from raw data to evid­ence-based medicine.

Melanie Stecher

Melanie Stecher

pro­ject coordin­at­or data/​epidemiology

Melanie is an epi­demi­olo­gist spe­cial­ising in HIV research. She was mainly involved in the pro­ject ini­ti­ation of LEOSS and now sup­ports study requests and stat­ist­ic­al ana­lyses in LEOSS.


Angelina Menke

team assistant/​ sec­ret­ary

Angelina is the team assistant/​ sec­ret­ary for the research group “Cohorts” of Prof. Vehreschild. With­in LEOSS she takes care of the setup of LEOSS accounts and test accesses as well as some organ­iz­a­tion­al matters. 

Nick Schulze

Nick Schulze

soft­ware development

Nick is respons­ible for the IT and soft­ware devel­op­ment with­in LEOSS. He is trained in the mar­tial arts of web devel­op­ment and data science. 

Bernd Franke

Bernd Franke

soft­ware & data­base developer

Bernd has addi­tion­al med­ic­al know­ledge and is respons­ible for data streams. He speaks sev­er­al languages.


Gabriel Sauer

doc­u­ment­a­tion & eth­ics submission 

Gab­ri­el has med­ic­al know­ledge and exper­i­ence as a nurse. In LEOSS he is mainly respons­ible for admin­is­trat­ive issues and eth­ic­al submissions.

Lene Tscharntke

Lene Tscharntke

MD stu­dent

Lene is sup­port­ing the team while study­ing medi­cine in her 8th semester in Cologne.


Melissa Beste


Melissa is sup­port­ing the team with any kind of tasks and oth­er pro­jects while study­ing bio­logy in Cologne.


Audrey Yuki Brinker


Yuki ist sup­port­ing the LEOSS Team in any kind of tasks, while study­ing Health Eco­nom­ics – Bach­el­or of Sci­ence at the Uni­ver­sity of Cologne.

Previous significant contributions

Lisa Pilgram

Lisa Pilgram

former pro­ject lead coordinator

Lisa is a phys­i­cian and pro­ject coordin­at­or with­in LEOSS. Apart from coordin­at­ing study sites and gov­ernance organs, she is respons­ible for the fur­ther devel­op­ment of the elec­tron­ic case report form (eCRF) from a med­ic­al perspective

Max Schons

Maximilian Schons


Max is a soft­ware developer and phys­i­cian. He has mainly been involved in pro­ject coordin­a­tion with­in LEOSS. He is pas­sion­ate about open access to LEOSS data and trans­par­ent com­mu­nic­a­tion of devel­op­ments with­in this project.

Annika Claßen

Annika Claßen


Annika is spe­cial­iz­ing in infec­tious dis­eases and hematology/​oncology. She has sup­por­ted the set-up of LEOSS with her med­ic­al expertise.

Sandra Fuhrmann

Sandra Fuhrmann

sci­entif­ic coordinator

Sandra is sci­entif­ic coordin­at­or for the Research Group „Cohorts“. In LEOSS she has mainly been involved in cre­at­ing the eCRF and still sup­ports the documentation.


Fabian Praßer

Fabian Prasser

Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Fabi­an is head of the Med­ic­al Inform­at­ics Lab at the Ber­lin Insti­tute of Health /​ Char­ité – Uni­versitätsmed­iz­in Ber­lin. He con­trib­utes to data pro­tec­tion aspects and devel­ops the anonym­iz­a­tion pipeline of LEOSS.

Florian Kohlmayer

Florian Kohlmayer


Flori­an is co-founder of Bit­care and is work­ing for the Insti­tute of
Med­ic­al Inform­at­ics, Stat­ist­ics and Epi­demi­ology /​ Uni­ver­sity Hos­pit­al rechts der Isar. He con­trib­utes to data pro­tec­tion aspects and co-devel­ops the anonym­iz­a­tion pipeline of LEOSS.

Andreas Berghammer,
Elias Jebabli,
Michael Gruschke,
Christian Heynck

The data sci­ent­ists from PROCON IT AG con­trib­utes in the devel­op­ment of data pro­cessing and visu­al­iz­a­tion with­in LEOSS.

no profile picture available

Markus Katharina Brechtel

devops engin­eer

Markus is an IT Entre­pren­eur and Devops Engin­eer build­ing net­works and tools at THENGO to make the world a bet­ter place for everyone.

Florian Zeidler

Florian Zeidler

Dipl. Inf.

Flori­an is an entre­pren­eur and web­developer help­ing to update and improve this web­site. He is co-founder of the online struc­tur­al engin­eer­ing com­pany ESTATIKA.

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A typ­ic­al pic­ture of our daily check-in! We’ll try to update this pic­ture soon with a grin­ning face of every mem­ber of the team 😛

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