
Hello! Here you can find the amaz­ing work and pub­lic­a­tions that have res­ul­ted from the great cross-site col­lab­or­a­tion of many research teams.


Tscharntke LT, Jung N, Hanses F, Koll CEM, Pil­gram L, Rieg S, Borgmann S, de Mir­anda SMN, Scher­er M, Spin­ner CD, Rüthrich M, Vehreschild MJGT, von Bergwelt-Bail­don M, Wille K, Merle U, Hower M, Roth­fuss K, Nadal­in S, Klinker H, Fürst J, Gre­if­fen­dorf I, Raichle C, Friedrichs A, Rauschning D, de With K, Eber­wein L, Riedel C, Milovan­ovic M, Worm M, Schul­the­is B, Schubert J, Bota M, Beutel G, Glück T, Schmid M, Win­ter­man­tel T, Peetz H, Stein­er S, Ribel E, Schäfer H, Vehreschild JJ, Stech­er M; LEOSS Study Group. Role and bene­fits of infec­tious dis­eases spe­cial­ists in the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic: Mul­ti­level ana­lys­is of care pro­vi­sion in Ger­man hos­pit­als using data from the Lean European Open Sur­vey on SARS-CoV­‑2 infec­ted patients (LEOSS) cohort. Infec­tion. 2024 Aug 16. doi: 10.1007/s15010-024–02362‑2. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39150640.

Stell­mach C, Hopff SM, Jaen­isch T, Nunes de Mir­anda SM, Rinaldi E; NAPKON, LEOSS, ORCHESTRA, and ReCoDID Work­ing Groups. Cre­ation of Stand­ard­ized Com­mon Data Ele­ments for Dia­gnost­ic Tests in Infec­tious Dis­ease Stud­ies: Semant­ic and Syn­tact­ic Map­ping. J Med Inter­net Res. 2024 Jun 10;26:e50049. doi: 10.2196÷50049. PMID: 38857066; PMCID: PMC11196918.


Has­seli R, Hanses F, Stech­er M, Speck­er C, Weise T, Borgmann S, Has­sel­ber­ger M, Her­ten­stein B, Hower M, Hoy­er BF, Koll C, Krause A, von Lili­en­feld-Toal M, Lorenz HM, Merle U, Nunes de Mir­anda SM, Pletz MW, Regier­er AC, Richter JG, Rieg S, Roemmele C, Ruethrich MM, Schmeiser T, Schulze-Koops H, Strang­feld A, Vehreschild MJGT, Voit F, Voll RE, Vehreschild JJ, Müller-Lad­ner U, Pfeil A. The pro­tect­ive effect of tumor nec­ros­is factor-alpha inhib­it­ors in COVID-19 in patients with inflam­mat­ory rheum­at­ic dis­eases com­pared to the gen­er­al population‑A com­par­is­on of two Ger­man regis­tries. Front Med (Lausanne). 2024 Mar 6;11:1332716. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2024.1332716. PMID: 38510457; PMCID: PMC10953502.


Rüthrich MM, Khodamor­adi Y, Lan­znas­ter J, Stech­er M, Tometten L, Voit F, Koll CEM, Borgmann S, Vehreschild JJ, Ole Jensen BE, Hanses F, Giessen-Jung C, Wille K, von Lili­en­feld-Toal M, Beutel G; LEOSS Study Group. COVID-19 in Patients with Act­ive Can­cer: High­er Inflam­mat­ory Activ­ity Pre­dicts Poor Out­come. Oncol Res Treat. 2024;47(3):88–96. doi: 10.1159÷000535267. Epub 2023 Nov 15. PMID: 37967545.


Bartensch­la­ger CC, Grieger M, Erber J, Neidel T, Borgmann S, Vehreschild JJ, Stein­brech­er M, Rieg S, Stech­er M, Dhil­lon C, Ruethrich MM, Jakob CEM, Hower M, Heller AR, Vehreschild M, Wyen C, Mess­mann H, Piepel C, Brun­ner JO, Hanses F, Römmele C; LEOSS study group. Cov­id-19 triage in the emer­gency depart­ment 2.0: how ana­lyt­ics and AI trans­form a human-made algorithm for the pre­dic­tion of clin­ic­al path­ways. Health Care Man­ag Sci. 2023 Sep;26(3):412–429. doi: 10.1007/s10729-023–09647‑2. Epub 2023 Jul 10. PMID: 37428304; PMCID: PMC10485125.


Bartensch­la­ger CC, Ebel SS, Kling S, Vehreschild J, Zabel LT, Spin­ner CD, Schuler A, Heller AR, Borgmann S, Hoff­mann R, Rieg S, Mess­mann H, Hower M, Brun­ner JO, Hanses F, Römmele C. COVIDAL: A Machine Learn­ing Clas­si­fi­er for Digit­al COVID-19 Dia­gnos­is in Ger­man Hos­pit­als. ACM Trans. Man­age. Inf. Syst. 2023 Mar;14(2):14. doi: 10.1145÷3567431.


Mas­caro S, Wu Y, Wood­berry O, Nyberg EP, Pear­son R, Ram­say JA, Mace AO, Foley DA, Snelling TL, Nich­olson AE; COVID BN Advis­ory Group. Mod­el­ing COVID-19 dis­ease pro­cesses by remote eli­cit­a­tion of caus­al Bayesian net­works from med­ic­al experts. BMC Med Res Meth­odol. 2023 Mar 29;23(1):76. doi: 10.1186/s12874-023–01856‑1. PMID: 36991342; PMCID: PMC10050813.


de Hes­selle ML, Borgmann S, Rieg S, Vehreschild JJ, Rasch S, Koll CEM, Hower M, Stech­er M, Ebert D, Hanses F, Schu­mann J, On Behalf Of The Leoss Study Group. Age and Comor­bid­ity Bur­den of Patients Crit­ic­ally Ill with COVID-19 Affect Both Access to and Out­come of Vent­il­a­tion Ther­apy in Intens­ive Care Units. J Clin Med. 2023 Mar 24;12(7):2469. doi: 10.3390/jcm12072469. PMID: 37048553; PMCID: PMC10095412.


Schmidt-Hellerau K, Raichle C, Ruethrich MM, Vehreschild JJ, Lan­znas­ter J, Nunes de Mir­anda SM, Bause­wein C, Vehreschild MJGT, Koll CEM, Simon ST, Hell­wig K, Jensen BO, Jung N; LEOSS Study Group. Spe­cial­ized pal­li­at­ive care for hos­pit­al­ized patients with SARS-CoV­‑2 infec­tion: an ana­lys­is of the LEOSS registry. Infec­tion. 2023 Aug;51(4):1119–1126. doi: 10.1007/s15010-023–02020‑z. Epub 2023 Mar 23. PMID: 36952127; PMCID: PMC10034879.


Koppe U, Schilling J, Stech­er M, Rüthrich MM, Mar­quis A, Dier­cke M, Hasel­ber­ger M, Koll CEM, Niebank M, Ruehe B, Borgmann S, Graben­hen­rich L, Hell­wig K, Pil­gram L, Spin­ner CD, Paerisch T; LEOSS study group. Dis­ease sever­ity in hos­pit­al­ized COVID-19 patients: com­par­ing routine sur­veil­lance with cohort data from the LEOSS study in 2020 in Ger­many. BMC Infect Dis. 2023 Feb 10;23(1):89. doi: 10.1186/s12879-023–08035‑z. PMID: 36765274; PMCID: PMC9912207.


Pil­gram L, Appel KS, Ruethrich MM, Koll CEM, Vehreschild MJGT, de Mir­anda SMN, Hower M, Hell­wig K, Hanses F, Wille K, Hasel­ber­ger M, Spin­ner CD, Vom Dahl J, Her­ten­stein B, West­hoff T, Vehreschild JJ, Jensen BO, Stech­er M. Use and effect­ive­ness of rem­desivir for the treat­ment of patients with cov­id-19 using data from the Lean European Open Sur­vey on SARS-CoV­‑2 infec­ted patients (LEOSS): a mul­ti­centre cohort study. Infec­tion. 2023 Aug;51(4):1033–1049. doi: 10.1007/s15010-023–01994‑0. Epub 2023 Feb 10. PMID: 36763285; PMCID: PMC9913009.


Fre­ise NF, Gliga S, Fisc­her J, Lüb­ke N, Lut­ter­be­ck M, Schöler M, Bölke E, Orth HM, Feldt T, Roemmele C, Wilke D, Schneider J, Wille K, Hohmann C, Strauss R, Hower M, Ruf A, Schubert J, Isbern­er N, Stech­er M, Pil­gram L, Vehreschild JJ; LEOSS Study Group; Hanses F, Luedde T, Jensen B. Con­vales­cent plasma treat­ment for SARS-CoV­‑2 infec­ted high-risk patients: a matched pair ana­lys­is to the LEOSS cohort. Sci Rep. 2022 Nov 9;12(1):19035. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022–23200‑1. PMID: 36351986; PMCID: PMC9643921.


Heis­sig B, Salama Y, Iakoubov R, Vehreschild JJ, Rios R, Nogueira T, Vehreschild MJGT, Stech­er M, Mori H, Lan­znas­ter J, Ada­chi E, Jakob C, Tabe Y, Ruethrich M, Borgmann S, Naito T, Wille K, Valenti S, Hower M, Hat­tori N, Rieg S, Nagaoka T, Jensen BE, Yot­suyanagi H, Her­ten­stein B, Ogawa H, Wyen C, Kom­i­n­ami E, Roemmele C, Taka­hashi S, Rupp J, Taka­hashi K, Hanses F, Hat­tori K; LEOSS Study Group. COVID-19 Sever­ity and Thrombo-Inflam­mat­ory Response Linked to Eth­ni­city. Bio­medi­cines. 2022 Oct 12;10(10):2549. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10102549.


de Hes­selle ML, Borgmann S, Rieg S, Vehreshild JJ, Spin­ner CD, Koll CEM, Hower M, Stech­er M, Ebert D, Hanses F, Schu­mann J; LEOSS Study Group. Invas­ive­ness of Vent­il­a­tion Ther­apy Is Asso­ci­ated to Pre­val­ence of Sec­ond­ary Bac­teri­al and Fungal Infec­tions in Crit­ic­ally Ill COVID-19 Patients. J Clin Med. 2022 Sep 5;11(17):5239. doi: 10.3390/jcm11175239. PMID: 36079168; PMCID: PMC9457079.


Raichle C, Borgmann S, Bause­wein C, Rieg S, Jakob CEM, Simon ST, Tometten L, Vehreschild JJ, Leisse C, Erber J, Stech­er M, Pauli B, Rüthrich MM, Pil­gram L, Hanses F, Isbern­er N, Hower M, Degen­hardt C, Her­ten­stein B, Vehreschild MJGT, Römmele C, Jung N; LEOSS Study Group. Hos­pit­al­ized patients dying with SARS-CoV­‑2 infec­tion-An ana­lys­is of patient char­ac­ter­ist­ics and man­age­ment in ICU and gen­er­al ward of the LEOSS registry. PLoS One. 2022 Jul 29;17(7):e0271822. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0271822. PMID: 35905129; PMCID: PMC9337665.


Stefan N, Sip­pel K, Heni M, Fritsche A, Wag­n­er R, Jakob CEM, Preißl H, von Wer­der A, Khodamor­adi Y, Borgmann S, Rüthrich MM, Hanses F, Hasel­ber­ger M, Piepel C, Hower M, Vom Dahl J, Wille K, Römmele C, Vehreschild J, Stech­er M, Solimena M, Roden M, Schür­mann A, Gall­witz B, Hrabe de Angel­is M, Lud­wig DS, Schulze MB, Jensen BEO, Birken­feld AL. Obesity and Impaired Meta­bol­ic Health Increase Risk of COV­ID-19-Related Mor­tal­ity in Young and Middle-Aged Adults to the Level Observed in Older People: The LEOSS Registry. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 May 11;9:875430. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.875430. PMID: 35646955; PMCID: PMC9131026.


Pil­gram L, Eber­wein L, Jensen BO, Jakob CEM, Koehler FC, Hower M, Kiel­stein JT, Stech­er M, Hohen­stein B, Prass­er F, West­hoff T, de Mir­anda SMN, Vehreschild MJGT, Lan­znas­ter J, Dolff S; LEOSS study group. SARS-CoV­‑2 infec­tion in chron­ic kid­ney dis­ease patients with pre-exist­ing dia­lys­is: descrip­tion across dif­fer­ent pan­dem­ic inter­vals and effect on dis­ease course (mor­tal­ity). Infec­tion. 2023 Feb;51(1):71–81. doi: 10.1007/s15010-022–01826‑7. Epub 2022 Apr 29. PMID: 35486356; PMCID: PMC9052729.


Broz­at JF, Hanses F, Hasel­ber­ger M, Stech­er M, Dre­her M, Tometten L, Ruethrich MM, Vehreschild JJ, Traut­wein C, Borgmann S, Vehreschild MJGT, Jakob CEM, Stall­mach A, Wille K, Hell­wig K, Isbern­er N, Reuk­en PA, Geisler F, Nat­ter­mann J, Bruns T; LEOSS study group. COVID-19 mor­tal­ity in cir­rhosis is determ­ined by cir­rhosis-asso­ci­ated comor­bid­it­ies and extra­hep­at­ic organ fail­ure: Res­ults from the mul­tina­tion­al LEOSS registry. United European Gast­roen­ter­ol J. 2022 May;10(4):409–424. doi: 10.1002/ueg2.12232. Epub 2022 Apr 28. PMID: 35482663; PMCID: PMC9103364.


CAPACITY-COVID Col­lab­or­at­ive Con­sor­ti­um and LEOSS Study Group. Clin­ic­al present­a­tion, dis­ease course, and out­come of COVID-19 in hos­pit­al­ized patients with and without pre-exist­ing car­di­ac dis­ease: a cohort study across 18 coun­tries. Eur Heart J. 2022 Mar 14;43(11):1104–1120. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehab656. PMID: 34734634.


Linden T, Hanses F, Domin­go-Fernán­dez D, DeLong LN, Koda­mul­lil AT, Schneider J, Vehreschild MJGT, Lan­znas­ter J, Ruethrich MM, Borgmann S, Hower M, Wille K, Feldt T, Rieg S, Her­ten­stein B, Wyen C, Roemmele C, Vehreschild JJ, Jakob CEM, Stech­er M, Kuzikov M, Zaliani A, Fröh­lich H; LEOSS study group. Machine Learn­ing Based Pre­dic­tion of COVID-19 Mor­tal­ity Sug­gests Repos­i­tion­ing of Anti­c­an­cer Drug for Treat­ing Severe Cases. Artif Intell Life Sci. 2021 Dec;1:100020. doi: 10.1016/j.ailsci.2021.100020. Epub 2021 Dec 17. Errat­um in: Artif Intell Life Sci. 2022 Dec;2:100032. doi: 10.1016/j.ailsci.2022.100032. PMID: 34988543; PMCID: PMC8677630.


Pil­gram L, Schons M, Jakob CEM, Claßen AY, Franke B, Tscharntke L, Schulze N, Fuhr­mann S, Sauer G, de Mir­anda SMN, Prass­er F, Stech­er M, Vehreschild JJ. Die COVID-19 Pandemie als Heraus­for­der­ung und Chance für Register in der Ver­sor­gungs­forschung: Erfahrungen aus Lean European Open Sur­vey on SARS-CoV­‑2 Infec­ted Patients (LEOSS) [The COVID-19 Pan­dem­ic as an Oppor­tun­ity and Chal­lenge for Regis­tries in Health Ser­vices Research: Les­sons Learned from the Lean European Open Sur­vey on SARS-CoV­‑2 Infec­ted Patients (LEOSS)]. Gesund­heit­swesen. 2021 Nov;83(S 01):S45-S53. Ger­man. doi: 10.1055/a‑1655–8705. Epub 2021 Nov 3. PMID: 34731893.

Cre­mer S, Pil­gram L, Berkow­itsch A, Stech­er M, Rieg S, Shum­liakivska M, Bojkova D, Wag­n­er JUG, Aslan GS, Spin­ner C, Luxán G, Hanses F, Dolff S, Piepel C, Rup­pert C, Guen­ther A, Rüthrich MM, Vehreschild JJ, Wille K, Hasel­ber­ger M, Heuzeroth H, Hansen A, Eschen­ha­gen T, Cin­atl J, Ciesek S, Dimmel­er S, Borgmann S, Zei­h­er A; LEOSS study group. Angiotensin II recept­or block­er intake asso­ci­ates with reduced mark­ers of inflam­mat­ory activ­a­tion and decreased mor­tal­ity in patients with car­di­ovas­cu­lar comor­bid­it­ies and COVID-19 dis­ease. PLoS One. 2021 Oct 21;16(10):e0258684. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258684. PMID: 34673795; PMCID: PMC8530317.


Zellmer S, Hanses F, Muzalyova A, Classen J, Braun G, Piepel C, Erber J, Pil­gram L, Wal­ter L, Göpel S, Wille K, Hower M, Rüthrich MM, Rupp J, Degen­hardt C, Voigt I, Borgmann S, Stech­er M, Jakob C, Dhil­lon C, Mess­mann H, Ebigbo A, Römmele C; LEOSS study group. Gastrointest­in­al bleed­ing and endo­scop­ic find­ings in crit­ic­ally and non-crit­ic­ally ill patients with corona vir­us dis­ease 2019 (COVID-19): Res­ults from Lean European Open Sur­vey on SARS-CoV­‑2 (LEOSS) and COKA regis­tries. United European Gast­roen­ter­ol J. 2021 Nov;9(9):1081–1090. doi: 10.1002/ueg2.12165. Epub 2021 Oct 15. PMID: 34655180; PMCID: PMC8598966.


Schons MJ, Caliebe A, Spin­ner CD, Classen AY, Pil­gram L, Ruethrich MM, Rupp J, Nunes de Mir­anda SM, Römmele C, Vehreschild J, Jensen BE, Vehreschild M, Degen­hardt C, Borgmann S, Hower M, Hanses F, Hasel­ber­ger M, Friedrichs AK; LEOSS-study group. All-cause mor­tal­ity and dis­ease pro­gres­sion in SARS-CoV-2-infec­ted patients with or without anti­bi­ot­ic ther­apy: an ana­lys­is of the LEOSS cohort. Infec­tion. 2022 Apr;50(2):423–436. doi: 10.1007/s15010-021–01699‑2. Epub 2021 Oct 8. Errat­um in: Infec­tion. 2022 Apr;50(2):437–438. doi: 10.1007/s15010-021–01727‑1. PMID: 34625912; PMCID: PMC8500268.


Rieder M, Gauchel N, Kaier K, Jakob C, Borgmann S, Classen AY, Schneider J, Eber­wein L, Lab­lans M, Rüthrich M, Dolff S, Wille K, Hasel­ber­ger M, Heuzeroth H, Bode C, von Zur Müh­len C, Rieg S, Duer­schmied D. Pre-med­ic­a­tion with oral anti­co­agu­lants is asso­ci­ated with bet­ter out­comes in a large mul­tina­tion­al COVID-19 cohort with car­di­ovas­cu­lar comor­bid­it­ies. Clin Res Car­di­ol. 2022 Mar;111(3):322–332. doi: 10.1007/s00392-021–01939‑3. Epub 2021 Sep 21. PMID: 34546427; PMCID: PMC8453472.


Kleine­berg NN, Knauss S, Gülke E, Pinnschmidt HO, Jakob CEM, Lingor P, Hell­wig K, Ber­thele A, Höglinger G, Fink GR, Endres M, Ger­loff C, Klein C, Stech­er M, Classen AY, Rieg S, Borgmann S, Hanses F, Rüthrich MM, Hower M, Tometten L, Hasel­ber­ger M, Piepel C, Merle U, Dolff S, Degen­hardt C, Jensen BO, Vehreschild MJGT, Erber J, Franke C, Warnke C; LEOSS Study Group. Neur­o­lo­gic­al symp­toms and com­plic­a­tions in pre­dom­in­antly hos­pit­al­ized COVID-19 patients: Res­ults of the European mul­tina­tion­al Lean European Open Sur­vey on SARS-Infec­ted Patients (LEOSS). Eur J Neur­ol. 2021 Dec;28(12):3925–3937. doi: 10.1111/ene.15072. Epub 2021 Sep 3. PMID: 34411383; PMCID: PMC8444823.


Mein­trup D, Borgmann S, Seidl K, Stech­er M, Jakob CEM, Pil­gram L, Spin­ner CD, Rieg S, Isbern­er N, Hower M, Vehreschild M, Göpel S, Hanses F, Nowak-Machen M. Spe­cif­ic Risk Factors for Fatal Out­come in Crit­ic­ally Ill COVID-19 Patients: Res­ults from a European Mul­ti­cen­ter Study. J Clin Med. 2021 Aug 27;10(17):3855. doi: 10.3390/jcm10173855. PMID: 34501301; PMCID: PMC8432209.


Wer­fel S, Jakob CEM, Borgmann S, Schneider J, Spin­ner C, Schons M, Hower M, Wille K, Hasel­ber­ger M, Heuzeroth H, Rüthrich MM, Dolff S, Kes­sel J, Heemann U, Vehreschild JJ, Rieg S, Schma­der­er C; LEOSS study group. Devel­op­ment and val­id­a­tion of a sim­pli­fied risk score for the pre­dic­tion of crit­ic­al COVID-19 ill­ness in newly dia­gnosed patients. J Med Vir­ol. 2021 Dec;93(12):6703–6713. doi: 10.1002/jmv.27252. Epub 2021 Aug 10. Errat­um in: J Med Vir­ol. 2022 Nov;94(11):5602. doi: 10.1002/jmv.28043. PMID: 34331717; PMCID: PMC8426905.


Jakob CEM, Mahajan UM, Oswald M, Stech­er M, Schons M, May­erle J, Rieg S, Pletz M, Merle U, Wille K, Borgmann S, Spin­ner CD, Dolff S, Scher­er C, Pil­gram L, Rüthrich M, Hanses F, Hower M, Strauß R, Mass­berg S, Er AG, Jung N, Vehreschild JJ, Stubbe H, Tometten L, König R; LEOSS Study group. Pre­dic­tion of COVID-19 deteri­or­a­tion in high-risk patients at dia­gnos­is: an early warn­ing score for advanced COVID-19 developed by machine learn­ing. Infec­tion. 2022 Apr;50(2):359–370. doi: 10.1007/s15010-021–01656‑z. Epub 2021 Jul 19. PMID: 34279815; PMCID: PMC8287547.


Kühn MJ, Abele D, Mitra T, Koslow W, Abedi M, Rack K, Siggel M, Khail­aie S, Klitz M, Bind­er S, Spataro L, Gilg J, Klein­ert J, Häberle M, Plötzke L, Spin­ner CD, Stech­er M, Zhu XX, Baser­mann A, Mey­er-Her­mann M. Assess­ment of effect­ive mit­ig­a­tion and pre­dic­tion of the spread of SARS-CoV­‑2 in Ger­many using demo­graph­ic inform­a­tion and spa­tial res­ol­u­tion. Math­em­at­ic­al Bios­ciences. 2021, Volume 339, Art­icle 108648. doi: 10.1016/j.mbs.2021.108648.


Hugo C, Vehreschild J, Stech­er M. Response to Invited Com­ment­ary “Undoubtedly, kid­ney trans­plant recip­i­ents have a high­er mor­tal­ity due to COVID-19 dis­ease com­pared to the gen­er­al pop­u­la­tion”. Trans­pl Int. 2021 May;34(5):771–773. doi: 10.1111/tri.13878.


Pil­gram L, Eber­wein L, Wille K, Koehler FC, Stech­er M, Rieg S, Kiel­stein JT, Jakob CEM, Rüthrich M, Burst V, Prass­er F, Borgmann S, Müller RU, Lan­znas­ter J, Isbern­er N, Tometten L, Dolff S; LEOSS Study group. Clin­ic­al course and pre­dict­ive risk factors for fatal out­come of SARS-CoV­‑2 infec­tion in patients with chron­ic kid­ney dis­ease. Infec­tion. 2021 Aug;49(4):725–737. doi: 10.1007/s15010-021–01597‑7. Epub 2021 Apr 13. PMID: 33851328; PMCID: PMC8043429.


Huber MK, Raichle C, Lingor P, Syn­ofzik M, Borgmann S, Erber J, Tometten L, Rimili W, Dolff S, Wille K, Knauss S, Piepel C, Lan­znas­ter J, Rieg S, Prass­er F, Pil­gram L, Spot­tke A, Klock­geth­er T, Klein C, Hop­fn­er F, Höglinger GU; LEOSS Study Group. Out­comes of SARS-CoV­‑2 Infec­tions in Patients with Neuro­de­gen­er­at­ive Dis­eases in the LEOSS Cohort. Mov Dis­ord. 2021 Apr;36(4):791–793. doi: 10.1002/mds.28554. Epub 2021 Feb 27. PMID: 33638915; PMCID: PMC8014567.


Hugo C, Stech­er M, Dolff S, Nat­ter­mann J, Vehreschild J, Hip­pchen T, West­hoff T, Ber­to­lo M, Hohen­stein B, Hanses F, Strass­burg C. Sol­id organ trans­plant­a­tion is not a risk factor for COVID-19 dis­ease out­come. Trans­pl Int. 2021 Feb;34(2):378–381. doi: 10.1111/tri.13795. Epub 2021 Jan 10. PMID: 33617063.


Jakob CEM, Kohl­may­er F, Meur­ers T, Vehreschild JJ, Prass­er F. Design and eval­u­ation of a data anonym­iz­a­tion pipeline to pro­mote Open Sci­ence on COVID-19. Sci Data. 2020 Dec 10;7(1):435. doi: 10.1038/s41597-020–00773‑y. PMID: 33303746; PMCID: PMC7729909.


Cre­mer S, Jakob C, Berkow­itsch A, Borgmann S, Pil­gram L, Tometten L, Classen A, Wille K, Weid­lich S, Gruen­er B, Dimmel­er S, Mass­berg S, Rieg S, Zei­h­er AM; LEOSS study group. Elev­ated mark­ers of thrombo-inflam­mat­ory activ­a­tion pre­dict out­come in patients with car­di­ovas­cu­lar comor­bid­it­ies and COVID-19 dis­ease: insights from the LEOSS registry. Clin Res Car­di­ol. 2021 Jul;110(7):1029–1040. doi: 10.1007/s00392-020–01769‑9. Epub 2020 Nov 19. PMID: 33211155; PMCID: PMC7674577.


Rüthrich MM, Giessen-Jung C, Borgmann S, Classen AY, Dolff S, Grün­er B, Hanses F, Isbern­er N, Köhler P, Lan­znas­ter J, Merle U, Nadal­in S, Piepel C, Schneider J, Schons M, Strauss R, Tometten L, Vehreschild JJ, von Lili­en­feld-Toal M, Beutel G, Wille K; LEOSS Study Group. COVID-19 in can­cer patients: clin­ic­al char­ac­ter­ist­ics and out­come-an ana­lys­is of the LEOSS registry. Ann Hem­at­ol. 2021 Feb;100(2):383–393. doi: 10.1007/s00277-020–04328‑4. Epub 2020 Nov 7. PMID: 33159569; PMCID: PMC7648543.


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