
Our regis­tra­tion in 3 simple steps:

1: Your decision to contribute

SARS-CoV­‑2 is a major chal­lenge for med­ic­al pro­fes­sion­als world­wide. You and your insti­tu­tion can con­trib­ute to an evid­ence-based approach tack­ling one of the worlds most press­ing problems.

With­in less than 2 minutes you can register. We will veri­fy your pro­fes­sion­al back­ground and will provide you with access to the study-plat­form with­in 24h dur­ing the weekdays. 

All of your per­son­al data as well as all doc­u­mented cases will be stored accord­ing to the latest European data pro­tec­tion laws.

2: Your registration for LEOSS

3: Our verification of your registration

To main­tain the highest data qual­ity we pre­vent non-pro­fes­sion­al unau­thor­ized access to the study platform. 

Each regis­tra­tion will be checked by a human with­in 24h. Cre­den­tials will be provided imme­di­ately after verification. 

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