
This was a first ana­lys­is on doc­u­mented cases of the LEOSS study on the epi­demi­ology of SARS-CoV­‑2.

More than 20 research teams were work­ing on com­pre­hens­ive ana­lyses using the LEOSS data. A pub­lic data set was avail­able at that time. All sci­ent­ists were invited to register to get access to the more extens­ive sci­entif­ic data set. 

Note, in the fol­low­ing dia­grams, we present descript­ive ana­lys­is. This means, in the graphs, the dis­tri­bu­tion of val­ues is pic­tured for each clin­ic­al phase sep­ar­ately. The data of one patient is e.g. included in the dis­tri­bu­tion for the uncom­plic­ated phase AND the com­plic­ated phase. A cause-effect ana­lys­is is not yet performed.

With a click on each image you can open a lar­ger version.

Study Population

statistics gender

Definition of Clinical Phases & Distribution at Diagnosis

Uncomplicated Phase



symp­toms of upper res­pir­at­ory tract infection

naus­ea, emes­is, diarrhea


Complicated Phase

need for new oxy­gen supplementation

clin­ic­ally mean­ing­ful increase of pri­or oxy­gen home therapy

PaO2 at room air < 70 mmHg

SO2 at room air < 90 %

AST or ALT > 5x ULN

new car­di­ac arrhythmia

new peri­car­di­al effu­sion > 1 cm

new heart fail­ure with pul­mon­ary edema, con­gest­ive hep­ato­pathy or peri­pher­al edema

Critical Phase

need for catecholamines

life-threat­en­ing car­di­ac arrhythmia

need for unplanned mech­an­ic­al vent­il­a­tion (invas­ive or non-invasive)

pro­long­a­tion (>24h) of planned mech­an­ic­al ventilation

Liv­er fail­ure with Quick < 50 % or INR > 3.5

qSOFA >= 2

acute ren­al fail­ure in need of dialysis

Recovery Phase*

improve­ment by one degree of sever­ity accord­ing to this scheme or dis­charge from hospital




no fur­ther pro­gres­sion or re-hospitalization

* Recov­ery phase in out­pa­tient set­tings can be achieved by uncom­plic­ated patients after 14 days of obser­va­tion without dis­ease progression.

statistics on stage of patient at diagnosis


statistics on distribution of comorbidities

Liver Enzymes

Distribution of GOT/AST in clinical phases of SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19
Distribution of GPT/ALT in clinical phases of SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19
Distribution of Gamma-GT in clinical phases of SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19

Cardiac Markers

Distribution of  troponine T in clinical phases of SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19
Distribution of LDH in clinical phases of SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19

Distribution of  NT-pro-BNP in clinical phases of SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19
Distribution of  creatinine kinase in clinical phases of SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19

Inflammatory Markers

Distribution of CRP in clinical phases of SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19
Statistics on the distribution of ferritin levels in clinical phases of SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19
Distribution of interleukin-6 in clinical phases of SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19
Distribution of soluble interleukin-2 receptor in clinical phases of SARS-COV-2 / COVID-19

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